Born in the Sudetenland, a Czech-German border region of Czechoslovakia, Adolf Hampel reflects on flight, expulsion and refuge at the end of the Second World War. Now 86 years old, he embarks on a sentimental journey to thank the family of the man who protected him in a time of oppression.
Genre: Documentary, History, Biography
Countries of Production: Germany, Czech Republic, UK
Year: 2022
Length: 29 minutes
Language: German/Czech
Currently awaiting festival selections.
Release dates tba soon.
Born in the Sudetenland, a Czech-German border region of Czechoslovakia, 86-year-old Adolf Hampel embarks on one last journey to his hometown, recounting his remarkable story of flight, separation, expulsion and refuge during the aftermath of World War II.
Before being expelled from his home in Klein-Herrlitz, a once German village, Adolf and his family suffered under the tyranny of Czech partisans. However, they found an unlikely protector in Czechoslovakian state administrator Zdeněk Pasírbek.
During his journey home, Adolf sets out to thank Zdeněk's children and enlighten them about their father’s kindness and heroism in a time of oppression.
Kindly supported by:
Director: Dominik Platen
Producers: Kristina Matušíková, Dominik Platen,
Producers for Sonderbar: Oscar Harding, Edward Lomas
Editor: Greg Pittard
Animator: May Kindred-Boothby
Composer: Sam Paul Toms